Jorge shows his clients only sloths in their natural, undisturbed habitats.
There are many roadside "sloth tours" in Costa Rica, and many of these are unethical businesses that will capture sloths from the nearby national parks so that tourists can get a guaranteed look at sloth. These practices are bad for the wildlife.
Jorge's property and the adjacent Casa Bentbill are natural habitat for both Three-toed and Two-toed Sloths and it's easy to see them here without unethical practices.
The area around Casa Motmot and Casa Bentbill is the perfect habitat for both species of Costa Rican sloth. This area is near Tenorio National Park and sloths are common in the forest here.
Viewing them here is easier than the primary forest, as the canopy is not as high and there are more open areas that allow you to see the tops of the Cecropia trees, the leaves of which sloths love.